Friday, January 02, 2015

Butter from batter!

It was Saturday night and i was making dosas for appa's palahaara. From chotu vedanth came a commanding request " Perima nangu dose kodi"  and a list of all the shapes he desired. I made mickey mouse dosa , club house dosa, dinosaur dosa, truck dosa (  the front tyre of which went flat, nevertheless  accepted). He was seated on a high stool about 2 feet away and his eyes observed the happening on the tava  relentlessly. Finally i was drawing a butterfly with the batter when a "yuck" of disapproval stopped me. "Nange butterfly ishta illa !"  I quickly  changed it to a pointless star. When i set the dosa on his plate,  a butter reward was delivered with a smile and a twinkle - " e star nimge kodbeku". Butter from batter!