Thursday, August 06, 2009

You asked for it!

Children keep reminding us that they are growing up, dont they? My daughter is no exception. I was getting ready to leave for work and was wearing an old saree. Being the romantic that i am, i mentioned to her that i was wearing the same saree when her dad first saw me. Being the practical that she is, she mused for a couple of seconds and pat came the question ..." So, ..... does he like it anymore?" !!!!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

That bagged the prize

My daughter lost her lunch bag in the school bus. The bag in which she would carry two boxes for two breaks which i dutifully send everyday, and a water bottle. All these would make the lunch bag considerably heavy. Now, i am having to substitue the bag and the boxes. When i handed her lunch bag, which consisted of a very thin cloth bag which can fit only two small substiute plastic boxes, (her water bottle had to be tucked into her bagpack), she took the bag in her hand, considered it for a couple of seconds and then asked, "Mother bird, what have you packed for me today? feathers????!!"

9 months

Pregnancy: A period of nine months with a hundred stories. When observance is a celebration. Suspence is thirlling, yet imperturbable.When one marvels the work of the supernatural. When the body becomes a complex factory in production, totally autonomous and oblivious towards the mind. The magical consciousness of life within life. Sensitivity of touch and movement. Perhaps the only period in life when "i cannot survive without you" is more practical than emotional. The only period when it is the absolute truth.
The feeling that one has to stay alive for another beings being maybe termed egocentric, but is the most filling and energising emotion that perhaps only a woman can experience. " My life matters .... at least for now".