Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Power is Strength

My four year old contracted Flu and the two of us landed at the poly clinic to which we are very frequent visitors since his birth. Specialists pertaining to various specialities consult at the polyclinic and a new addition of opthalmology had been made. At the waiting room, a brand new showcase of glasses was an evident change made to the unchanged interiors that stood adamant for years. Everyone had no choice but to notice it. With years of familiarity behind him, my little one confidently went up to the lady at the reception and asked her, 'Do you have glasses for 4 year olds?'
She said, 'Yes.'
'Can i wear them?'
'They are power glasses'. She replied.
Yes, right, he asked the inevitable question.
'If you wear them, do you get strenght??!'
After a second or two of silence, she laughed and repled, 'I wish i could say yes!'...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Clouded Dream

Cartoons! Don't we associate it with humour, creativity and imagination? Well what beats our imagination is how our little ones are associating, interpreting and understanding this stream. My four year old, who loves cartoons (who doesnt?) was screaming 'Run, run' aloud in his sleep. When he woke up, i asked him about his dream and he said, ' There was a volcano, and i was running away,
did you see?'

I said ' It was your dream, how could i have seen it?'
He waved his hands over this head and asked ' Didn't you see it over my head?'
Puzzled and unsettled i said ' the dream happens in your mind, others cannot see it'
'Yes, you can' he replied.
Bewildered by his conviction i questioned ' What makes you think so?'
Came his reply, ' Dont you remember we saw it on tv? When tom has a dream, a
cloud appears over his head and we can see tom chasing Jerry inside the cloud!!?? .........'

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Message arrived from school during the weekend that the following monday would be 'Fancy Dress' day for my four year old.
The little one has never been comfortable in any costume. I asked him what he would like to dress up as and the answer i dreaded, 'Dinosaur' arrived. I had to request him for something simpler as there was not much time for preparation. He considered and finally wanted to dress up like a 'fox'.

Yes, ran to the craft shop to get felt paper,woollen, glue, cardboard, colurs and all those that went into turning him into a cute fox with a really bushy tail. My daughter made a lovely snout with all her artistic skills which looked really good and sat up with me in the night helping me complete the costume. The following day, when i dressed him up at school, the little 'fox' was all happy. Half and hour later, with the judges running late, the kids were really restless and the fox was the most restive of the lot. He started feeling highly uncomfortable in his costume and complained of sickness to the teacher. He started to cry and wanted to just go home. He took off the snout and refused to wear it again. I had no choice but to paint his whiskers and nose with eyeliner liquid.

The parents were asked to leave the children with the teachers and to return only when the judges had done their rounds. This took another hour and by then, the fox had completely lost it. Finally the ordeal was over and he come out of the class
room. The painted whiskers and snout had beem washed down by the tears. One ear was missing, but the tail was intact.

I asked him 'How did it go?'
He said 'Fine'.
'Did Aunty ask you anyting? '
'She asked who i am, and i said Giraffe'.
'Because i got tired of being a fox.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I laughed, but my daughter is still furious .....