Being twelve months old, i had an intuition that articulation is necessary. After some meditation i decided to attempt to utter my first humanly comprehend able word "aammma" , bearing in my tiny mind the tribute due to my mother and to bring elephantine happiness to her. And to make my little life simple, a universal addressing system, a method people would not mind in the least being addressed as. But these adults! They were all excited and one could easily be led to believe
that they were all instrumental in delivering sight to a blind man. What is worse, each one of them, in their fit of animated joy, decided to teach me to utter at least five different words of their choice. Not to mention, they were all names of what they wanted me to address them as. But of course, i have a mind of my own. So what if it is still developing? It is functional and thinks. I decided chose the word that i attempt to utter. My second word ? "tractor" which i uttered with full glee, much to the surprised disappointment of all the determined adults.
that they were all instrumental in delivering sight to a blind man. What is worse, each one of them, in their fit of animated joy, decided to teach me to utter at least five different words of their choice. Not to mention, they were all names of what they wanted me to address them as. But of course, i have a mind of my own. So what if it is still developing? It is functional and thinks. I decided chose the word that i attempt to utter. My second word ? "tractor" which i uttered with full glee, much to the surprised disappointment of all the determined adults.