Morning, when i have to pack my daughters lunch box, it invariably turns out that her lunch boxes are still safe inside her school bag, unwashed. I would forget to ask her the previous night and she would never remember to give them for cleaning. Just telling her to give the boxes for cleaning the previous night did not change the situation. I had to then tell her that if she did not give the boxes for cleaning the previous night, she would have to wash the them herself and keep them ready for me to pack in the morning. This worked for two days. The boxes were given for cleaning the previous night. On the third day, when i had to pack the boxes, i realised that the boxes had not been given to me for cleaning the previous night. I checked her bag, then the sink, they were not there. I almost concluded that she must have left them in school, when i saw them piled up in a corner of the kitchen counter, with a note next to the unwashed boxes ...

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